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Justice & Peace

True to our Franciscan calling, we commit ourselves to building Christ's Kingdom of justice and peace. We continue our efforts to preserve and nurture God's creation, to increase social and global consciousness, to educate ourselves to political awareness, and to encourage action to effect change where necessary. - Unity in Diversity #40

group of people walking along the United States border wall to Mexico


We are working to hold sacred the dignity of each person, regardless of origin. Among other efforts, we are calling on the President and Congress to work together to enact comprehensive immigration reform and working to keep this critical issue on the minds of political candidates and voters.

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Sister Thea Bowman standing with arms stretched out


Our Anti-Racism action is a commitment to awareness, analysis and action. We are praying, learning and acting with those who grant us the insight and courage to know how we can begin dismantling FSPA racism.

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three people, with Sister Kristin Peters in middle, walking wearing their red MMIW 5K tshirts

Truth and Healing

Our hope is that as we engage our own discomfort by listening to the painful and tragic stories of the Ojibwe people and others, we can take action in dismantling systemic racism and white supremacy in ourselves and our areas of influence.

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group of people shaking hands

Franciscan Economics & Corporate Responsibility

Pope Francis has invited and challenged us to join the solidarity economy, the Economy of Francesco, a worldwide movement aimed to change the current economic models and craft a future that is more inclusive and just. 

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homeless man sitting on ground


FSPA is addressing homelessness on a local level by working collaboratively with other community members to provide a warming shelter for homeless adults. Our efforts are expanding to meet other basic needs such as showering and laundering.

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black and white outline of face

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world, turning powerless people into modern-day slaves. It’s a global atrocity that FSPA is working to stop at local, regional and national levels—through growing awareness, advocacy and action. 

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open bible laying on table

Jail Ministry

FSPA and our affiliates continue to bring life to the Matthew 25:36 verse “I was in prison and you visited me . . .” through our witness with incarcerated individuals. The mission of our jail ministry is to create an environment for inmates that awakens, renews and stimulates their spiritual life.

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group of people holding hands

Endorsements and Partnerships

We believe strongly in collaboration, recognizing there is power in collective action. To that end, FSPA works with a number of organizations, as partners or members, who share our commitment to build a more just world.

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