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FSPA Anti-Racism vision and direction

Anti-Racism Vision

We are on a journey to dismantle FSPA racism. Committed to awareness, analysis and action, we are praying, learning and acting with those who grant us the insight and courage to know how we can begin dismantling FSPA racism. Our work is guided by our FSPA  mission to be loving presence through prayer, witness and service, recognizing that all people are children of God and beloved of their Creator. 

FSPA Anti-Racism Team Vision Statement

Recognizing that all people are children of God and beloved of their Creator, we believe in racial justice as expressed by an inclusive and equitable FSPA community, organization, nation and world.

FSPA Anti-Racism Team Mission Statement

We celebrate authentic unity in diversity by fostering the growth of FSPA into an anti-racist community and organization that dismantles racism through prayer, witness, study and action. Guided by the FSPA Climate Assessment, we work for justice and inclusion by updating policies and providing opportunities and tools for relationships, conversations and expanded understanding of privilege, while we collaborate with community partners and advocate for national and international justice.

Anti-Racism Legislation H.R. 40 and Systemic Change

Congress has an opportunity to pass H.R. 40, a bill that would establish a commission to study the legacy of slavery in the United States, its impact today, and ways forward toward healing and reconciliation.

Read Global Catholic Sisters Report "The time for reparations is now" for some calls to action that include watching Network Lobby's H.R. 40 Webinar to learn more about reparations and the call for President Biden to establish a commission.

Follow H.R. 40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act

The White House: US Efforts to Combat Systemic Racism

And, on our Truth and Healing page, we're following H.R. 5444 / S. 2907, the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the US. NABS' one pager is a great resource that summarizes Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools Policies Act.

Follow H.R. 5444 and S. 2907 Truth and Healing Act on

2024 Education Series

Informal Sharing: creating awareness, sharing event opportunities, sharing the work of FSPA partners and other congregations or groups. It is through these microlearning opportunities that FSPA is continuing its work toward becoming an anti-racist organization. Since 2022, we've shared these monthly with our partners in mission on staff and our sisters. 

May 2024
Do you want a healthy outcome to a contentious conversation? Or do you just want to win an argument? This is what author and educator Irshad Manji says you should ask yourself the next time you speak with someone you disagree with. In today's deeply polarized world, many debates seem to hinge on the latter. Manji has a plan to cultivate a healthier mindset to challenging conversations — one in which both sides can actually learn something. Manji's 5-step formula is based on behavioral science. Humans constantly scan the environment for danger and quickly react to threats. Conversations aren't existential dangers, however, and so require a different skill set. Being proactive about how we converse takes work — the type Manji specializes in.


April 2024 
*We stray away from microlearning format to share this longer workshop
How Narrative Drives Change is a 75-minute workshop that engages viewers with examples of how our language--our words--matter. The presenters share their own learnings and how they model their learning and "focus on language of shared values, opportunity and possibility." Practical examples are shared throughout the presentation that show viewers the importance of focusing on people instead of numbers and disconnected facts. This was cosponsored by Communicators for Women Religious and Kino Border Initiative. 


February and March 2024

During February and March, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, with their affiliates and partners in mission on staff,  had the opportunity to participate in a Dehumanization and Racism workshop hosted by Juanita Sims Doty Foundation.  And, many sisters and staff participated in a Racial Justice Training workshop hosted by YWCA.  The workshop will be repeated in March for another cohort of sisters and partners in mission on staff. The interactive educational training served to broaden intercultural and interracial awareness as FSPA continues it's commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization. 

January 2024
In this 8-minute video, we learn more about getting called out and how to apologize. "When you acknowledge what went wrong, avoid the words 'but' or 'if,' both demean your apology."


2023 Education Series

Informal Sharing: creating awareness, sharing event opportunities, sharing the work of FSPA partners and other congregations or groups. It is through these microlearning opportunities that FSPA is continuing its work toward becoming an anti-racist organization.

December 2023
This month, we learn more about visibility bias. It is a term to describes our preference for and deference to people who speak up first and talk the most/loudest. They are often perceived as being more confident, more competent, and better leaders. This short discussion covers why that is problematic (tip: it excludes different types of thinkers) and provides strategies you can use to create spaces where everyone gets a chance to bring their best selves forward. Watch the video below or read the transcript.

November 2023

This month, meet artist and media critic Alexandra Bell. In this 8-minute video, you'll watch as Alexandra revises biased news coverage. It's a fascinating reminder of the power of language and narrative. Watch "Rewriting Racist Headlines" on The New Yorker's website.

October 2023
This month's video is a 14-minute TedTalk featuring activist and scholar Loretta J. Ross.

Brief Description: You're probably familiar with it: the public shaming and blaming, on social media and in real life, of people who may have done wrong and are being held accountable. In this bold, actionable talk, Ross gives us a toolkit for starting productive conversations instead of fights -- what she calls a "call-in culture" -- and shares strategies that help challenge wrongdoing while still creating space for growth, forgiveness and maybe even an unexpected friend.


September 2023

This month's video is a little longer, 26 minutes, provides a look at how the racial wealth gap was created. The scenes in this video are excerpted from California Newsreel's acclaimed three-part documentary series, "Race, the power of illusion."

August 2023
This month, we spotlight ADAM RUINS EVERYTHING's segment about how racist redlining led to persistent segregation in schools and suburban neighborhoods. Redlining, the racist housing policy from the Jim Crow era, still affects us today. This six-minute video features Nikole Hannah-Jones, an investigative reporter known for her coverage of civil rights in the United States.


July 2023
In this month's microlearning opportunity that we use to continue our education among partners in mission on staff and sisters, we watched "How to overcome our biases?" featuring Verna Myers.


June 2023
Every month the FSPA Anti-Racism Team shares a microlearning opportunity. This month, this six-minute video, “How can we win?” features Kimberly Jones’ powerful speech explaining in detail the difference between protesting, rioting and looting. “As long as we’re focusing on the what, we’re not focusing on the why…we need to be questioning why.”

May 2023
This month, we share Vox’s “How the U.S. stole thousands of Native American children.” Toward the end of the 19th century, the US took thousands of Native American children and enrolled them in off-reservation boarding schools, stripping them of their cultures and languages. Yet decades later as the US phased out the schools, following years of indigenous activism, it found a new way to assimilate Native American children: promoting their adoption into white families. Watch the episode to find out how these two distinct eras in US history have had lasting impacts on Native American families. And, visit our Truth and Healing page to learn more about our history of administering a Native American boarding school during this era. 

April 2023
This month’s microlearning opportunity features a twist on microagressions. Microaggressions are “those little unintentional insults that basically see people of color as stereotypes.” The FSPA Anti-Racism Team sourced this year’s microlearning messages from the YWCA’s racial justice training program.

The FSPA Anti-Racism Team hosted Discovering the Richness of Differences conversations with sisters and staff in March. Participants requested more information about microaggressions, making this month’s educational opportunity timely. The Discovering the Richness of Differences conversations spotlighted the 2022 sister, affiliate and partners in mission survey that assessed our current climate of belonging and inclusivity. 

March 2023
This month, we're taking the lead from Education for Justice, a project of the Ignation Solidarity Network. We're looking at ways to incorporate their suggestions for a Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling Against Racism and Racial Discrimination, aligned with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21. From a film guide to reflections to a quiz, the Education for Justice website is full of opportunities to engage.

February 2023
In this seven-minute video, Emmanuel Acho sits down to have an uncomfortable conversation, where he directly addresses questions and emails from white brothers & sisters, all over the world. 

January 2023

The FSPA Anti-Racism Team set this charge: through regularly promoted and sponsored educational opportunities, share the elements of systemic racism and how to constructively address them. This month’s microlearning opportunity is from Project Implicit, a resource recommended by Social Responsibility Speaks. Find several Implicit Association Test options to help us learn more about our hidden or subconscious biases. When we hold assumptions about others of which we are not aware, our performance and interaction with them might suffer. Learn more and take a test here. 

2022 Education Series

Informal Sharing: creating awareness, sharing event opportunities, sharing the work of FSPA partners and other congregations or groups; it is through these microlearning opportunities that FSPA is preparing for more formal training coming fall 2022.

Nov./Dec. 2022
Our 2022 microlearning sessions were shared with all sisters and our partners in mission (our staff). We're working on our 2023 sessions now.

In this three-minute video, we learn the signs of implicit bias that lurk within our inboxes, social networks and the patterns of our daily lives. Looking at this data can help us change our ways.


Oct. 2022
Guided by the provocative movement, Unity in Diversity—We celebrate authentic unity in diversity by challenging our white privilege and working toward equity and inclusion of all—we continue to offer monthly micro-learning opportunities. For October, we invite you to watch “A Conversation With Asian-Americans on Race. In this seven-minute video, we hear from several people who share their stories about their encounters with racism. 


Come back for Table Talk using these questions suggested by Social Responsibility Speaks, our consultants in this mission:

>Where do you get stuck? Why?
>What is something that you need to (un)learn?
>Has there been a time when you were able to notice injustice, what action(s) did you take? What happened as a result?

Sept. 2022
In this short documentary, Latinos grapple with defining their ethnic and racial identities. Watch the six-minute “A Conversation with Latinos on Race” here:  


Aug. 2022
This six-minute video was produced by The New York Times. “A Conversation with Native Americans on Race” grapples with racist contradictions of a country that, may feel, “would prefer it if Native Americans didn’t exist.” During the interviews, you’ll hear about proving nativeness, legitimizing oppression and about one woman’s survival…and resistance. This month's feature video intersects with our FSPA Truth and Healing efforts.

July 2022
This five-minute documentary was produced by The New York Times as part of a series of short films about identity in America. This film features interviews with white people on the challenges of talking about race.

“Reimagining Equity Work” presented by Shaundel Spivey for TEDx UW-La Crosse. Shaundel serves as the executive director of Black Leaders Acquiring Collective Knowledge. BLACK works to empower and elevate the Greater La Crosse Black Community through innovative leadership, education and advocacy.

His 10-minute Tedx talk’s message: “You can’t do true authentic equity work without doing work on you first. As we strive to build an equitable and loving community, we have to imagine the work differently. To do this we must truly examine ourselves and the roles we all play in the perpetuation of this inequitable community we live in.” Shaundel provides a visible reminder of how to build an equitable community.

June 2022
In this 4-minute story, “Joy DeGruy, A Trip to the Grocery Store,” author and educator Dr. Joy DeGruy shares how her sister-in-law uses her white privilege to stand up to systemic racial inequity. This video affirms one of the lessons some attendees of last year’s White Privilege Symposium learned about accomplice vs allyship. According to, “Being an ally is considered one of the first steps in race and social justice work. The term accomplice encompasses allyship but goes beyond to advocacy. An accomplice uses their privilege to challenge existing conditions at the risk of their own comfort and well-being.” In the video, Joy’s sister-in-law moves to accomplice, using her white privilege to point out the injustice and influence everyone in that space. And Joy reminds us that “that’s what you can do, every single day.”

May 2022
“Cracking the Codes: Identity and Culture” is a really quick (less than one minute) message about what makes us human kind, as introduced by poet and Hip Hop Artist Y. Jelal Huyler.

April 2022
“Cracking Codes: Unconscious Bias” is a seven-minute video that was introduced to sisters and partners in mission who attended YWCA’s racial justice training. They consider this video foundational to Anti-Racism and DEI.


On June 17, 2021, President Biden signed legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, enshrining June 19 as the national day to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States. Though Juneteenth had been celebrated as early as the 1890’s, the elevation of this day to a federal holiday allows our country the collective opportunity to reflect upon our history, examine the forces that continue to undermine the freedom of Black Americans, and actively work to dismantle these forces. As we continue the work of our Provocative Movement, it is important that our congregation understands and celebrates Juneteenth as a continuing effort to dismantle racism today.

Why is Juneteenth Important?
Juneteenth marks a date of major significance in American history and shows us that freedom and racial equality have always been
a hard-fought battle for Black Americans – a battle that continues to this day. It not only spurs conversation about the origins of our
current racial conflicts but it prompts vitally necessary education about white supremacy and its manifestations in policies and political action.

How Should We Celebrate Juneteenth?
There are many ways we can observe and celebrate this holiday, from supporting Black businesses to educating ourselves, to using our voice to spread love. We can also take time to share the stories of Black people we admire and learn about prominent Black figures in American history. But most importantly, on Juneteenth, we must recommit to the work that needs to be done for reconciliation to address and correct our participation in unjust structures. Ultimately, Juneteenth is a continuing call for justice.

Juneteenth and Our Catholic Faith
The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. In our society, human life is under direct attack from the inhumane and long-term effects of systemic racism. Juneteenth is more than a day of celebration. It is a challenge to be accountable to one another as members of a beloved community. It is a call to enter into a conversation with each other, creating a
time and space where all people can flourish. As Catholics and a congregation, we have the chance to play a significant role in breaking down the walls of racism.

As we commemorate June 19th, let us celebrate the day when freedom was finally proclaimed, and let us ask our Lord through prayer and reflection to guide us individually and as a congregation to work for racial justice.

Prayer for Juneteenth
Holy and righteous God, you created us in your image. Grant us grace to contend fearlessly against evil and to make no peace with oppression. Help us, like those of generations before us who resisted the evil of slavery and human bondage in any form and any manner of oppression. Help us to use our freedoms to bring justice among people and nations everywhere, to the glory of your Holy name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Read Critical Race Theory, by Sister Julia Walsh

Educating ourselves and our children about critical race theory

"The education most needed to address racism in our society extends well beyond our schools. It begins with each of us asking ‘why.’ It begins with critical self-reflection, with identifying our inadvertent microaggressions and unveiling our own white privilege," shares Sister Julia Walsh in her article published by the La Crosse Tribune.

Read "Educating ourselves and our children about critical race theory."

Watch Language 101, by Sister Laura Nettles

Language 101

Why language matters: how do I value diversity and work for oneness? Presented by Sister Laura Nettles, presentation highlights include why language matters, the problem with racial colorblindness, when to not talk about race and how to talk about race.

Watch Exploring Intersections: Racial Justice

How do we deal with our country’s racist history and the long-term consequences? How do we support racial justice today and work to become an anti-racist society? And how does racial justice intersect with the critical issues of migration and climate we also face? This episode of “Exploring Intersections: Catholic Sisters on Racism, Migration and Climate” addresses these issues and more. Our three panelists, Emily Lazor; Sister Patricia Rogers, OP; and Sister Mary Lou Specha, PBVM, bring a diverse perspectives and personal experiences to the table as they engage with host Charish Badzinski in this lively and eye-opening conversation.


Exploring Intersections Action Items
1. Start a discussion group in your parish to read and talk about the book: Racial Justice and the Catholic Church by Father Bryan Massingale.
2. Not only people of color, but also white people have to figure out and share their story when it comes to racial incidents – how did they honestly feel and react.
3. Attend a training on systemic racism – at least three days or more.
View more action items and resources from our Exploring Intersections collaboration.

Truth and Healing: our history at St. Mary's Indian Boarding School

As a congregation called to unveil its white privilege, and as the country continues to confront systemic racism, FSPA recently accepted an invitation to study more deeply a portion of our history: our ministry at St. Mary’s Boarding School in Odanah, Wisconsin, 1883-1969. Our hope is that as we engage our own discomfort by listening to the painful and tragic stories of the Ojibawe people and others, we can take action in dismantling systemic racism and white supremacy in ourselves and our areas of influence. Our call is to address our complicity in unjust systems, both historically and now, and strive to enhance dignity and wholeness to those who have suffered for generations.  May God grant us the perseverance necessary for such a mission of reconciliation.

As we continue this path toward healing, we will share resources and information on our Truth and Healing page.

Subversive Habits, by Shannen Dee Williams

According to Global Catholic Sisters Report, "The extensively researched book, which includes more than 100 pages of citations, tells the history of Black sisters in the United States, from the "few girls of color desiring religious life" and their 1819 attempt to join the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to 2018, when the National Black Sisters' Conference honored Patricia Grey, formerly Mercy Sister M. Martin de Porres, as its foundress at its 50th anniversary."

Read Global Sisters Report "New book tells the 'beautiful' but 'painful' history of Black Catholic nuns

Read the introduction and purchase "Subversive Habits"

Watch: Sisters of St. Joseph host book launch
Described as "a sacramental moment" and "profoundly transformative" by our Sisters of St. Joseph, the event far exceeded our expectations for participation. The sisters were humbled by the opportunity to help Dr. Shannen Dee Williams, the author, bring to light the painful history of racial injustice for Black Catholic sisters in our Church.


The Sisters of St. Joseph wanted to create an opportunity for further reflection for those who might be interested and would find it a helpful way to process their experience. To that end, they formulated several reflection questions and an option to share responses. Find this opportunity to reflect here.

Going Home Like a Shooting Star: Thea Bowman's Journey to Sainthood

Cause for Canonization
The U.S. bishops endorsed the sainthood cause of Sister Thea Bowman on Nov. 14, 2018, during their fall assembly in Baltimore. The granddaughter of slaves, she was the only African American member of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, and she transcended racism to leave a lasting mark on U.S. Catholic life in the late 20th century. Read U.S. Bishops Conduct Canonical Consultation on Cause for Canonization of Thea Bowman, FSPA. Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration continue to follow the Diocese of Jackson’s lead as the process moves forward. We’ve added an intention in our Adoration Chapel for everyone involved. Visit the Diocese of Jackson's Sister Thea Bowman Cause for Canonization website for more information.

The process has been documented in numerous news media articles, as featured on our Thea In The News page.

"Going Home Like a Shooting Star, Thea Bowman's Journey to Sainthood"

The documentary tells Sister Thea Bowman's story. Released Oct. 2, 2022, the documentary airs on ABC stations through early January 2023 (check your local listings). The Diocese of Jackson Mississippi released the film to its YouTube page and welcomes viewing donations on the Thea Bowman canonization website


Deep Dive into the Intersectionality of Racism, Forced Migration, and Climate Crisis

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious Global Concerns Committee released a Resolution to Action, authored by Sister Lucy Slinger. In "Deep Dive into the Intersectionality of Racism, Forced Migration, and Climate Crisis: Head, Heart & Soul Knowing," Sister Lucy calls for the effort to dive into the issues in new ways. She says, "Doing the deep murky dive to discover your personal enculturated ways of denying DNA instinctual behaviors is needed for the quantum leap to bridge racism, forced migration, and the climate crisis."

Read "Deep Dive into the Intersectionality of Racism, Forced Migration, and Climate Crisis: Head, Heart & Soul Knowing"



'Our reckoning': U.S. sisters take up call to examine their role in systemic racism

"If you really understand what happened in the past, you can identify your previous behaviors and try to correct them. And I think that's what sisters are after this time." - M. Shawn Copeland
Read Global Sisters Report's article "'Our reckoning:' US sisters take up call to examine their role in systemic racism."

White Privilege Symposium Reflections

Several sisters and partners in mission on staff attended the White Privilege SymposiumBelow is a series of reflections and experiences shared by attendees.

Sister Georgia: The way we've always done it is not the way forward

White Privilege Symposium Reflection
by Sister Georgia Christensen

What does it mean to be a white woman in these challenging times?

As so beautifully pointed out at the White Privilege Symposium ... white women are a bridge between white men and people of color.

In the small group session I attended on what it means to be a white woman, several ideas surfaced and were shared. How we serve as that bridge is really in our control. Oftentimes we find ourselves subservient, undervalued and often ignored by white men. Yet, we sometimes ignore and undervalue and place expectations on people of color. To me being the bridge includes taking the negative lessons learned and experienced from the one end of the bridge and revolving them into a positive response for the other end. The way we were treated or the way we’ve always done it, doesn’t hold today as the way forward. Times are different; we are different. Today we interact with people from many different backgrounds and experiences than we ever did before.

As a white woman, and in particular, as a white professed religious woman, I need to show a more compassionate and inclusive face than I ever did before.

Sister Sarah: This is my white privilege

White Privilege Symposium Reflection
by Sister Sarah Hennessey

“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”
-Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail

I have good will but am I really seeking a deeper understanding? Is my acceptance only lukewarm? How am I continuing to practice and learn to unveil my white privilege?

Everything is connected: our minds, our bodies, our souls. Also economics, politics and the climate crisis. The genocide of indigenous people in the Americas and the increase in assassinations of environmental activists today. The history of Black Wall Street, the Tulsa massacre and the killing of Black and Brown people today.

We are all connected. We are living on this one fragile planet.

Part of my white privilege means that I get to choose when and how often I think about the social construct of race and its real implications. I can step in and out of being an ally. And I do. There are times when I am educating myself and other times that I am not. Moments when I advocate for change and others where I do not.

This is my white privilege.

White Privilege Symposium keynote speaker Debbie Irving asked us what are our anti-racist practices. If we are trying to be healthy, we have an exercise regimen. So if I am trying to do anti-racism work, what is my daily practice? Debbie suggested being curious, staying open, and reflecting daily on my practice of being anti-racist. In the workshop about being allies, we talked about listening with curiosity, speaking our truth with love, and trying to create an environment where vulnerability is OK. My hope is to find concrete ways to move from being an ally to being an advocate to really staying engaged and being an accomplice. For me this means becoming aware of our complex history, continuing to learn, acknowledging my participation in oppressive systems and being accountable for my own words and behaviors.

This is not the work of a weekend, this is life-long work. This is not something I do alone, but a movement we participate in together.

Sister Karen: Winona LaDuke's fierce efforts as water protecter

White Privilege Symposium Reflection
by Sister Karen Kappell

What impressed and moved me was the resilience of keynote speaker Winona LaDuke and her fierce efforts to support care of the earth and tribal rights to land. She is a water protector. I join with her in her concerns and efforts. From Winona’s perspective, “In choice we have two paths, the green and the scorched. In scripture we hear ‘choose death or choose life.’” I carry from her a deeper desire to choose life, to work on the path of renaming, reclaiming and rebirthing.

artwork by sister karen kappell featuring a quote by winona laduke

Learn More
Winona LaDuke spoke extensively about the Canadian oil-and-gas-transport company Enbridge building an expansion of a pipeline, Line 3, to carry oil through fragile parts of Minnesota’s watersheds as well as treaty-protected tribal lands. Much of her presentation is covered in this New York Times article, "Winona LaDuke Feels That President Biden Has Betrayed Native Americans."

Sister Eileen: Cultural Humility

White Privilege Symposium Reflection
by Sister Eileen McKenzie


Using words she heard throughout the symposium, Sister Eileen created this word cloud, highlighting: Listen, Be Curious, Dignity, Love, Cultural Humility, Intent vs. Impact.

When you see or hear these words, what stirs within you? What would you add? Let us know.

Sister Meg: We need to stop, just stop, and listen

White Privilege Symposium Reflection
by Sister Meg Earsley

She spoke her truth.
Full of story and sorrow and heartbreak.
And I stopped and listened.
I listened to her sorrow and her despair,
when she said she couldn't see a future
of reconciliation.

He told his truth.
Full of story and resilience and strength.
And I stopped and listened.
I listened to his hope and his fortitude,
when he inspired all of us
with his enthusiasm and love.

It's time to leave the stage my friends,
to pass the mic to those whose voices
we have not yet heard.

To hear the stories,
to join in the heartache,
to invite inspiration.

We need to stop,
just stop,
and listen.

Andrea: my white privilege and racism feel imprinted upon me, steeped in ignorance and fear

White Privilege Symposium Reflection
by Andrea Van Sickle, partner in mission on staff

I viewed the keynote and recorded presentations and they were very impactful. Early on in Debbie Irving’s presentation, she spoke of how anti-racism work makes visible that which was previously invisible. This resonates deeply with me. It is not just what I see with the organs of my eyes, though my eyes have seen much, and more and more, over time. Rather, it is an all-body and soul kind of seeing, accompanied by expanding knowledge, realizations, understanding and the tugging calling to be con-tactful and aligned with others in community, and with right action.

Understanding intersectionality is crucial. The essential, very personal work of openly inquiring into who am I, the truths of my experience, from birth to now, is big work!  And some of it is very painful to hold. The layers that wrap my white privilege and racism feel imprinted upon me, and steeped in ignorance and fear. The truth is, “I’d rather take chances than be on my guard, that side of the moon is too dark…” (from Tret Fure, “That Side of the Moon”).

My heart’s desire is to be open and loving, to live from here.

My consciousness is emerging. My subconscious and unconscious realms are also relevant. Each New Year, a small group of friends and I gather to create vision boards. It is a meaningful, meditative and social time together. As I contemplate my vision board this year, pictured below, some things are visible that were previously invisible.  

Andrea's vision board full of images of colorful scenery and people

Connect with the FSPA Anti-Racism Team
The FSPA Anti-Racism Team meets regularly. Reach out to us at Members include: Sister Kristin Peters, Sister Laura Nettles, Sister Julia Walsh, Sister Abisola Clare Adelukan, Meg Paulino, affiliate and partner in mission, Rochelle Nicks, affiliate and partner in mission; Sister Eileen McKenzie; and partners in mission Jane Comeau, Sierra Richter-Bellville Jessica Doering, Regina Lawson, Mary Hill, Jean Pagliaro, Deb Scoville and Nikki Horihan

prayer for racial justice

Read and act: Confronting Racism with a Franciscan Heart
Prayer shared by Loyola University Campus Ministry, Spirituality of Sister Thea Bowman