Wanderings and Wonderings - Sister Meg's Journey

What About the Animals?

By Sister Meg Earsley on Saturday, June 18th 2022

Hello! I am still in the United States, but wanted to show you some of the animals that are at the convent and farm. I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice my Spanish too - so here goes!

Caballos (Horses)

The sisters have a farm and every once in a while I get to go with them! It's always fun to say hi to the animals there.




Ovejas (Sheep)

At the farm




Cerdo (Pig)

At the farm.




Vacas (cows)

At the farm.





Vaca (Cow)

At the farm.




Vaca (Cow)

At the farm. I know there are extras, but the cows are very different from each other!




Joachie (Brown Agouti)

At the convent.

I am not sure if I'm spelling it right, but wanted an excuse to share another photo of Mia. :)







Vanado (Deer)

At the convent. Technically, like the joachie, the vanado is wild but likes to hang out in the backyard with the chickens, ducks, geese and tortoises.




Gato (Cat)

At the convent.




Gatitio (Kitten)

At the convent.




Patito (Duckling)

At the convent.




Pollito (Chick)

At the convent.




Tortuga (Tortoise)

At the convent.




Pero (Dog)

At the convent.




Thanks for helping me practice my Spanish!

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Pat S Says:
06/18/2022 9:17am
And, thank you for the great vocabulary review. It's funny that I will have to look up "Brown Agouti" in an ENGLISH dictionary (much less JOACHIE in a Spanish one). I have no idea what that is, even in English! This is a beautiful presentation. I bet some Spanish teacher here could make great use of it.

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