Reflection on adoration and my association with FSPA

Perpetual adorer Brinelle D'souza

Photo by Farhen Rashid

By Brinelle D’souza

I stumbled upon the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration through the internet. I was deeply impressed that a modern religious community was so committed to the ministry of perpetual adoration. Their tag line ‘Modern Lives. Sacred Traditions.’ put it all together for me. I bring to this ministry my own petitions, that of my family, my colleagues, my country and the world. What’s extremely beautiful and comforting is Sister Sarah always responds (I write to her regularly) with the assurance that my petitions will be prayed for day and night before the Eucharistic Lord. These are not automated responses but personal ones. It’s very commendable given the numerous prayer requests that come in daily.

The world needs prayer more than ever. It’s an act of deep solidarity transcending boundaries of nationality, cultures, race and religion. After all, we are all children of the same God and members of the universal Catholic church. I am deeply grateful to FSPA for this wonderful ministry of perpetual adoration which unites people from all over the world in prayerful solidarity. May God bless this ministry abundantly so that it continues uninterrupted for many more centuries to come! I’m so glad to be connected to all of you from Mumbai, India!    

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