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Bad River film draws 500 viewers in La Crosse

Bad River film draws 500 viewers in La Crosse


More than 500 moviegoers joined La Crosse-area organizations at the Rivoli Theatre for a screening of Bad River, the film that chronicles the Wisconsin-based Bad River Band and the Band's ongoing fight for sovereignty.  This inspiring project "brings us through the epic sweep of history into the present, with a David and Goliath battle over a 70-year-old pipeline on the brink of rupture into Lake Superior, the largest freshwater resource in America.  As Eldred Corbine, a Bad River Tribal Elder declares in the film… 'we gotta protect it… die for it, if we have to.'"

If you were unable to attend the event on April 29, Bad River is streaming on Xfinity and is available for purchase via Vimeo. All details are here: Bad River Film Dates

Take Action
If you're interested in hosting a screening or would like to donate to Defend the Bad River, details are here: Bad River Film Take Action

The Sierra Club Wisconsin Chapter also provides a comprehensive overview of Line 5, if you want to learn more. Visit Sierra Club Wisconsin LIne 5

The Army Corps of Engineers has released a notice of public hearing for Enbridge Line 5 Wisconsin segment relocation project. The corps is evaluating an application from Enbridge Energy to discharge dredged and fill material in waters of the U.S. and install a pipeline under navigable water of the U.S. associated with the construction of the proposed Line 5 Wisconsin segment relocation project. This is happening June 4, 2024 in Ashland, Wisconsin. The public is invited to submit comments or attend. Please read the full notice here.

About the cosponsors

Citizen Action of Wisconsin Driftless Co-op
Coulee Region Sierra Club
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
La Crosse Public Library
La Crosse Youth & Learning Center
UW-L ALANA (Asian, Latinx, African, Native American) Women
UW-L Students for Sustainability
Viterbo University Student Sustainability Club