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Cheesy Zucchini Towers and Zucchini Lasagna

Monday, July 31st 2023 6:00 am

It’s zucchini season!  Have you ever seen your neighbor coming by with an armful of green torpedo – shaped produce?  Don’t run and hide!  Here are two versatile zucchini recipes, one easy and one worth the details:  Cheesy Zucchini Towers and Zucchini Lasagna.

Ten Local Food Gift Ideas

Monday, December 11th 2023 6:00 am

One Christmas our family chose to exchange consumable gifts. Theme baskets are fun to create and to eat! The last healing secret of food message encourages us to eat foods produced close to home, in as close to their natural state as possible and sourced with concern for the earth and for workers. This post offers ideas for optimal local foods good for health, the earth and the community.