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Sister Julia Walsh pens "A Complicated Patriotism"

Sister Julia Walsh pens "A Complicated Patriotism"

Photo by Shane Rounce -

“Others have sacrificed so greatly so I can write these words and share them freely,” writes Sister Julia Walsh in the Focolare Media Living City magazine article, “A Complicated Patriotism.”


The article was published just prior to Independence Day of 2023 and spans from Sister Julia’s childhood participation and “pride” in the national holiday to young adulthood in which she found “that the privileges of being a citizen of the United States are not equally and openly shared, despite the fact that our founding documents declare “'liberty and justice for all.'” Now, she says, that “… my American citizenship comes with many benefits: freedoms of religion, assembly and press especially. There’s much to celebrate.

“Others have sacrificed greatly so I can write these words and share them freely.”

Read more of Sister Julia’s story at