Art as Prayer (in-person/Zoom)
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Location: 920 Market St, La Crosse, WI 54601 (in-person and Zoom)
Host: Franciscan Spirituality Center
Facilitator: FSPA affiliate Mary Thompson
Open watercolor studio.
Artistic expression offers the opportunity for spiritual growth, transformation and healing. This monthly open watercolor studio is a chance to play and learn new techniques without worrying about perfection or finished product. Meet new friends and practice listening to your heart as you paint.
You are invited to attend any or all sessions. Each month features a different theme.
Supplies needed: watercolor paints, paper and brushes, container for water, pencils and paper towels (provided for in-person participants)
November theme: Trees
Trees gift us with the feeling of strength, continuity and grace. If you’re able, spend time with your sturdy friend. Hold one of her leaves in your hands, close your eyes and whisper a prayer of gratitude. We’ll use collected leaves to explore ways to create lively compositions. Leaves of various shapes and sizes will be provided for in-person participants; feel free to collect and bring others.
Click the buttons below to register in-person or over Zoom.
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