Join Us: a guide for discerning religious life
Join Us: a guide for discerning religious life, published monthly by our Discernment Office, shares discernment resources and upcoming events. All are welcome to subscribe to the newsletter by entering your email address below:
Sept. 19, 2024: Be part of something bigger
Aug. 20, 2024: Contemplating sorrow and joy
June 20, 2024: Acting together to care for the Earth
May 16, 2024: Religious Life is Global
Apr. 18, 2024: The Beauty of Newness
Mar. 21, 2024: The value of storytelling
Feb. 15, 2024: Fasting for the Greater Good
Jan. 18, 2024: A history of deep listening
Dec. 6, 2023: Because of Baby Jesus
Nov. 16, 2023: Thanksgiving is ordinary
Oct. 19, 2023: Noticing joy in the journey
Sept. 7, 2023: Called out of comfort zones
July 6, 2023: Religious Life impacts everyone
May 11, 2023: Discernment means to distinguish
Apr. 20, 2023: Easter Transformation
Mar. 16, 2023: The Tradition of Franciscan Simplicity
Feb. 13, 2023: Passionate Celibate Love
Jan. 19, 2023: Service on the Margins