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Friends of Sister Thea Bowman Humanitarian Legacy Award 15th Annual Luncheon

Lee Etta Clark

leeettaclarkForty-eight Chicago, Waukegan, Gary and Indianapolis women from 48 different Christian churches and temples, recipients of the Thea Bowman Humanitarian Award, were honored at the Lexington House, Hickory Hills, Ill., luncheon, March 29, 2008.


Attendee Jennette Wilson commented, "As always, learning more about Sister Thea jennettewilsonBowman and meeting so many people who are striving to keep her legacy alive is most gratifying."

Lady Sheila Adams, Director of Office for Black Catholics, Archdiocese of Chicago, was mistress of ceremonies. Rev. George Clements presented greetings. Program highlights included the story of Sister Thea, musical selections, keynote address by Mrs. Tara Jenkins, presentation of awards and Charity Scholarship presentation. Mrs. Anna Cannon, chairperson of the 15th annual luncheon, coordinated the festive event.

Mrs. Lee Etta Clark and her sister, Mrs. Jennette Wilson, Chicago, distributed copies for sale of TheaNews and Sister Thea Bowman Shooting Star. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Wilson are natives of Canton, Miss., and childhood friends of Sister Thea.